Saturday, September 20, 2008

SAP QA - Integration Testing

" All heads and hands on the table, its time for Integration testing, before we sign off with our blood"

This say is repetitively echoed by our Non Functional Manager, that we all are now piss off, with this. I don't know, what is going on on Integration testing, i don't know, i simply don't know. We all are just puzzled, bang head to each other, i mean its mess! No project, not a single project, out of 10 projects is in defined line. It seems we are doing some unwanted things. Even moral of project teams is like Lehman Brother's share. People want to jump from Integration Project to some where else. And i look myself as captain of Titanic ship, just watching people dyeing, kind off. It sucks...

Ok let me think how we started this Integration Testing. What was the approach to Integration testing, when we start. Huum, It was, it was, huum, Our Project Sponsor says: "Win-Win Project for this team and organization"
And we kept very simple and straight approach. The purpose of Integration testing was to confirm that the organization's business processes work according to the requirements established in the Business Blueprint Phase and that the system is ready to go live in Oct. To accomplish this, we must test every aspect of the processes. QA, are here to help in accomplish this goal.

We are using some SAP Best Practice, and here it is(I am not sure):

A. Validate common business scenarios, for all projects. We created some 700 valid test cases to test Integration testing scenarios. We done with it.
B. Integration test scripts, we done this also
C. Security testing, That's the bottleneck for our Integration Project. We are yet not there
D. Cycle testing
E. UAT testing in Jan

" Its so easy to Plan, but so difficult to implement", same as with advice.

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