Friday, September 12, 2008

Integration testing – sucks

Integration testing – sucks
Yaaa, integration testing sucks, management want to test integration testing with all projects as fast as we can. And that happen in our integration testing meeting, managers wants as soon as possible. But there is problem not is problem but are problems.

First one SAP BI, in BI we have just done foundation layer, and that also day to day we are getting new requirement and change requirements. We load all table, views and what ever garbage we have as data into DSOs as foundation layer, all history data, everything. So we have some 600 DSO in foundation layers, pew… Our developers are working on transformation layer and BAs are working on cubes. We QA tested foundation layer in Development environment, we are still waiting when all the stuff from T1-development transport into our environment T2-QA. I talk to my PM, and we figure out, most probably mid of this month. After transportation done, we have to test again foundation layer in T2. Transportation takes one week. So that’s a one big problem. All other project are in T2 (test environment) and we SAP BI are in T1 (development).

Second one PMs, yes Project Managers. I always think they played double game. One side they keep telling us we are not ready for integration testing, so we are not going for integration testing and on other side when they talk to management, there they all are fully ready for integration testing. So when integration meeting started with Management, they first shoot question to me, they said, "Your PM is ready for integration testing, what the heck you are not ready?" I replied them back, "We are ready, but not ready". All guys in meeting are looking at me, and mostly all PMs and particularly my PM, staring at me to kill me. I then explain to management, we are not ready fully, we are just done foundation layer and we are in development stage, we are just done 30% developments. Believe me, it was not only my view, but all other projects BA, QA and Developer also agree with me. Man, how you go for Integration testing when none of the projects are not fully ready to deploy. I think at PM levels there is more politics and diplomacy. So that’s makes PM double standard.

This make management to think, and our Integration testing again pushed to next month. This is third time we shifted integration testing. It seems these projects are never ending projects. And at last in my view if project goes more then year, it loses its charm and team lose its confidence and motivation. This is happing in CML team. CML is now 2 year old project, we have new PM, BA (one is still there) and kind of new QA team. QA team is mixed of new and old. Still CML is not on Go Support & Live. It seems there is no Go Support & Live stage in SAP projects.

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