How should be Project Manager?
I think PMs are of Three kinds.
First kinds of PMs are serious one. Do PM should be very serious. No laugh, just talk work. Try to demoralize project team for enjoying any events. They are like party killer. Such kinds of PMs are like burden on team members who like fun-joys. Whenever there is some fun event going on in project, they kill that fun by just being there or by starting conversation on what done, and what left to done about project. They just start asking some kind of project report from BA, QA and developers. That kills all joys and fun in team.
The good things with this PMs are
A. All team remain in his/her control.
B. Works and commands follow the defined paths.
C. Team save time.
D. There will be some kind of undefined formality between PM and team.
E. Such kind of PM delivered project on time, they are much focused.
The bad goes against them are
A. They closed door themselves against team.
B. Team don’t feel free.
C. Team hesitate to enter PM office to talk about project or some personal problem.
D. They miss the internal information or internal who-how-what-when political talks and rumours, which I think is very important in company where politics is very common practice.
E. For the next project, team members try to avoid be in his/her project team member.
Management like these kind of PM, because at the end of the day, its matter project is deliver on time in budget
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