I called them Supportive PM.The Supportive PM generally provides support in the form of on-demand expertise, templates, best practices, access to information and expertise on other projects, and the like. This can work in an organisation where projects are done successfully in a loosely controlled manner and where additional control is deemed unnecessary. In organisations where there is a desire to "reign in" the activities, processes, procedures, documentation, and more - a controlling PM can accomplish that. Not only does the organisation provide support, but it also requires that the support be used. Requirements might include adoption of specific methodologies, templates, forms, conformance to governance, and application of other PM controlled sets of rules. In addition, PM might need to pass regular reviews by the controlling PM, and this may represent a risk factor on the project.
The best type PM is very specific to the organisation, culture, and history of what works and what does not. But the objectives are - more or less - to:
- Implement a common methodology
- Standardise terminology
- Introduce effective repeatable project management processes
- Provide common supporting tools
- Ultimately, the objective is to improve levels of project success within the organisation.
At the end of the PROJECT SUCCESS matter. If Project is under budget/time, that PM is the Best PM that i think
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