Saturday, November 28, 2009

I hate while they not engage UATer at the time of Requirements.

I hate while they not engage UATer at the time of Requirements.

I really don’t understand why the hell they don’t involve UAT at the time of requirements. Or why the UAT don’t like to sit at the time of requirements. Or why the hells on the earth SME don’t want to be a UAT, if they involve in requirement. Why the hell business don’t send the same person who was involved in requirement. Why there the hell business don’t take UAT so seriously. I don’t know.

UAT: User Acceptance Test/Tester. Uaters are every day business user who knows the business by heart. They work 8 hrs daily on business. They know in and out of business. They are person who face day to day business. They are the guru of the business which is running on current application and that suppose to be out after implementation of new applications and all business move to new implemented application. Isn’t they are the one of the key factor which decides the success of projects. Mostly QA sign –off after UAT sign-off, then only build or release move to production. Then why the hell on earth PM and other stakeholder don’t take UAT as serious.

In last two weeks I was busy in UAT of SAP CML application. These two weeks was tense one. I can’t describe it. All these above questions are my conclusion or say frustration of “UAT” weeks. Can you believe UAT are making defects of requirements? They are asking BA/SME and PM, of new requirements, are you kidding me. You are saying requirements are not captured as per business UATer is working. That’s a major issue.

Our UAT is not giving sign-off and same as QA is also not giving sign-off for this release. There is confusion all around. Whole project team is split in 3 groups, one side is BAs/PM who want to go with what they develop and other one is QAs/UATer who don’t want to go, and the third group is of Developer are the neutral. Now this release is in the hand of Review and Change Committee Board.

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