Sunday, October 4, 2009

Use Case Template

Use Case Template
Before i explode with template, lets talk first what is Use Case?

Use Case: A use case describes "who" can do "what" with the system in question. The use case technique is used to capture a system's behavioral requirements by detailing scenario-driven hreads through the functional requirements.

There are many different styles and templates for use cases. These elements constitute a reasonable framework for a bare essentials use case.

The name of the use case captures the essence of the use case and provides a recognizable reference for readers. It should also appear on an accompanying use case diagram.
Unique IdentifierThe identifier is often a number, and is essential to requirement traceability. It is used to cross reference requirements to design and test artifacts, and needed to verify delivery of the requirements. The identifier must be unique in both the scope of the project and the scope of the solution.

Brief Description
The description provides an informal, natural language description of the use case and the goal that is being satisfied. Functionality may be implied in this section, but no designs or tests should trace to it. All functionality must be identified in the elements below.

Preconditions describe what must be true for the use case to be triggered or started. They can relate to conditions either within the solution or outside of the solution under study. For example, when withdrawing money from an ATM at a specific bank, the customer must be an existing customer of that bank.

Basic flow of events
The basic flow is the ‘guts’ of the use case and describes the sequence of user to solution interactions and related solution behavior or rules. It is commonly referred to as the "primary scenario" or "happy path." It indicates what happens when there are no exceptions or complications.

Alternative flows
These describe what happens when things don’t follow the "happy path." Called a variation if the flow rejoins the happy path, and an exception where an error occurs, these prevent the actor from achieving their goal.

Post-conditions are things that are true at the conclusion of a use case. Traditionally, these things are always true, regardless of what path is taken through the use case. If the use case has many alternate flows, there may be several outcomes with different post-conditions. It may be useful to identify post-conditions for the basic flow and each of the alternate flows.

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