Saturday, July 18, 2009

How the method of thinking can impact the project’s success.

How the method of thinking can impact the project’s success.

I think that any project success is depends on, how the Project Manager and other project team member thinks the method of thinking about the project. We can categorize method of thinking in two parts.

Category one is Binary, or 1 and 0, black and white, good and bad. This kind thinking mainly have low risk frame of mind. Team views newness and routine as opposites and mutually exclusive. They love there routine job. Team feels low risk and is in fact low risk, because the familiar methods are still appropriate. This method of thinking never experiments and continues to do things ‘the way we’ve always done it’ feels safe and comfortable and result will always be same.

Category two is Experimental. The experimental ones see newness as balancing part of the whole project, which need to keep in a dynamic evolving equilibrium. The experimental does not think in binary, this team think in color, they add richness of what might be made to exist, to the background that exists already.

Experimental thinking creates an environment that encourages the maximum subjective risk, and the minimum project objective risk. Bold, speculative, even outrageous thinking is the mainspring of innovation.

Project Managers should promote experimental thinking in their project. Experimental thinking helps in several ways:

1. New possibilities, this thinking identify new possibilities.
2. A multiplicity of small risks is actually safer then big ones.
3. Steps on a learning cure, the new knowledge obtained from each one can be used to minimize the risks.
4. Keep the fresh thinking muscles in trim.

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