Saturday, March 14, 2009

SAP CML Batch/Periodic Process Testing

SAP CML Batch/Periodic Process Testing.

What is Batch/Periodic Process Testing?
Answer is mess, yes don't be surprise.Batch Process or Periodic process or Batch process in SAP CML is a pure shit/mess. However testing it is more shitty. It's not a very easy job.

First lets understand,what the hell is Periodic process or Batch Process. I want to call it a Batch Process. Batch processes are jobs which triggers itself periodically. They complete the process and trigger other process. They are scheduled according to need.Take example,a big banks or finical company, getting payments on loan or mortgage every day from different customers. They have different type of payment methods, like Cheque,Cash,Pre Auth.Payment or electronic payments or wire. So banks or finance company run process everyday to maintain customer account,cash flow,account statement, ledgers to update accounts. So batch process can be daily,weekly,biweekly,monthly,quarterly,semi annually and annually.

It's all depend on business rules or what is running in current system. Here in my company we have categorized the batch process in 4 periodicity. Daily, Monthly, quarterly and annually.We have sliced and diced our all finical business process and then come up these 4 periodicity. But shit don't stop here. We have some processes which run twice a day. These are payments and disbursements processes. Posting of payments and disbursement on loan and etc.

Some processes run monthly, like Accrual/Deffer, IOA cal, and lots of corresponding generated processes.

The worst part is testing all these processes. These all processes are interdependent or interwoven to each other. I created our test plan in iterative approach. Plan is this- First test the daily job, then monthly and then quarterly and annually. So for till today we already tested daily processes in Testing, and Then in UAT and then in TX environments. Last weekend we sign off and it goes in Prod. Next week will be sign-off for Monthly and quarterly processes. I already tested these process in T3. I think our netweaver guys has transported all transport into TX.So Monday we have to create data in TX. Most probably our sing-off will be on Wed/Thur.

Yes we are testing directly in UAT region. Why, first we don't have time. Second our QA region is fully of garbage data. So we think that may break our region. Third everyone so dry, why, the CML project so long, and so many new faces are in. we are just 3 people in whole team are old faces. Me(QA) and 2 BAs are left.Our Developers are new, our PM is new.

That's it from my side. That was very long time from my last posting on this blog. We were deadly busy in to bring multi-applications-integration into Prod. woooww. We work's some 100 hrs/week last 2 months. I don't believe myself, that i really work so long hours.


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